The Luna Tourist

So, first things first, this is a blog about me touring the world in the eyes of a young tourist. The name of this blog doesn't necessarily mean that I only travel at night because that would be stupid. Anyway, lets get down to business. I will try (and probably fail) to write everyday but DO NOT count on it (though I doubt anyone will come to my blog everyday but it's nice to have hopes). Enjoy and live through my strange, but amazing adventures.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

July 30 and 31, 2011 Long Drives, (The) Great Sand Dunes, Yoga with Yaga, The Colorado Ocean, and Catch-up Pictures

Now, you may be wondering why there was no post yesterday and why the today's post is going to be super long. The answer.......right after this brief commercial!
Sorry for the interruption but the answer is: I decided to merge yesterday's and todays adventure/story into one huge blog post! Anyways, lets begin the day (well, technically, yesterday)!
Yesterday, we were required to wake up around 6:30am so we could make it to the Great Sand Dunes. So, the drive to (and from) our destination was 5 hours so we were cooped up in the car for a little more than 10 hours that day.
When we finally arrived at the Great Sand Dunes, our first stop was the visitor center to expand out knowledge on this national park. After watching a very informative video, we walked onto the balcony and snapped a few pictures. Once we got enough pictures, we jumped into our car drove a bit further into the park (we only got this privilege because the uncomfortable car turned out to be a four wheel drive so we could drive a bit longer).
Believe it or not, that picture to the right is sand (and no, the picture is not made of sand, the mountain looking thing that looks closer then the other mountain is made of sand.
Ten minutes later, we began hiking (the trail was half a mile) but a few minutes later, it began raining so we ran back our car and tried to wait the storm out. Unfortunately, the storm didn't want to stop er, storming so we decided to come back another, sunnier day. While we were driving away, we stopped and watch these two, not so smart people stand on the top of the dune which is the most likely place for lightning to strike. I think I saw them praying.... Eventually, we arrived home and....I got hit by a screen door because Ty didn't bother holding the door for me. He assumed that I had my foot in the door. He assumed wrong.
The next day/today, we woke up and drove to this park to do a yoga class. This class was taught by my dad's colleague. This class was almost exactly like Friday's except that this class had some different poses and was outside so we got eaten alive by bugs. The class lasted for about an hour and we were given free stuff! Yaga gave out free Larabars for everyone and the girls were given these pencil pouch thing that contained some items. After the class, I ate a Larabar (the cherry pie one) and it tasted awesome. There's no other way to explain it.
Later on, we drove to the Colorado Ocean to meet up with Yaga and her family (her husband and her two sons). Now, you may be thinking, "There is no such thing as a Colorado Ocean!" and that is where you are wrong! There is this place called a Union Reservoir which a man-made lake/ocean. It was almost exactly like a beach but it was a) green and b) not salty (which is a plus). We stayed here for quite a while and then came back to our house.

And now, there is some things I would like to put on this post! 1) Here is what you've been waiting for! Below are the pictures of my brother's tennis trophy for being a finalist and there is a picture of the cute black cat below the other picture.

Before I move on to the second thing I have to say, I want to say something (else). This afternoon/tonight, there was a huge storm and the cat returned! This time, I was allowed to feed it some bread and carnitas meat.
2) The second thing I have to say is that I am getting my eye exam (for contacts) tomorrow! I can't wait for some random person to poke my eye out. Kidding! Bye!


  1. Adorable cat. :)
    And you are getting contacts? That rocks! ^ ^
    I have no clue what else to

  2. Today, we say an even cuter cat! Seems impossible right?
    And, I still don't know if I'm getting contacts...................................

    And, at least you put something. :)
