Anyways, the main highlight of today was going to this place called Adrenaline Forest which is basically an aerial obstacle course. My first thought was, "Oh my god, I'm going to die!!!". Eventually, I got used to the height, speed, and the scariness and I was able to "enjoy" a course. My favorite part of the forest was crashing into the cushion. All in all, I finished three courses, 1,2, and 3 out of the 6 ones and my hands are so sore!!! Even though I still think that the place is dangerous and designed by a hand-abuser, I would recommend this to other people (especially people I dislike!).
After we finally got out of that death trap, we went to this amazing(ly smelly) farm which was completely free but you can't even touch the lambs, rabbits, and certain birds.
The untouchable bunny:(. Even though mast of the animals were cute, there was something a little weird about them. I mean, the white bunnies had creepy red eyes, the pigs had strange things on their chins, and the roosters kept crowing, and it's not even morning!!! They also had very low numbers of certain animals. For example, they only had one peacock and only three (black) sheep. I also stepped in a lot of poop/mud. :(
For dinner, my brother had this gyro which no one had a taste of so I can't write anything about it. We also had butter chicken and lamb biryani which (if you don't know already) is a type of Indian food. After that, my parents and I ate this boysenberry ripple ice cream which is basically boysenberry syrup "mixed" with vanilla ice cream.
One thing I would like to address is how green New Zealand is (not like green green, just like not-wasting-stuff green). I mean, they charge you
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