The Luna Tourist

So, first things first, this is a blog about me touring the world in the eyes of a young tourist. The name of this blog doesn't necessarily mean that I only travel at night because that would be stupid. Anyway, lets get down to business. I will try (and probably fail) to write everyday but DO NOT count on it (though I doubt anyone will come to my blog everyday but it's nice to have hopes). Enjoy and live through my strange, but amazing adventures.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

July 27, 2011 Another Tournament, Library Visit, and a Strange Greeting

So, you MAY be wondering what I mean by another tournament and what I mean by another tournament is that my brother, Ty, had a tournament. Since he is older than me, he played in the 14 and under tournament and he was out in bracket #1 which is the hardest bracket. Anyways, the outcome. He won and is now going to the semifinals which is on Friday. If he wins that match, he goes to the finals which is also on Friday. Wait, wait, wait! This blog is about me (yes, I am that selfish) so I will now explain what I did during the 1-2 hour match (they have to play two sets because they're older). Since the match took forever and we had to sit on very uncomfortable wooden bleachers that were tilted forward so you can't lie down and sleep without falling off the bench, I kept my nose in my book, ignoring what was happening in the outside world. Sadly, certain bugs don't understand the meaning of "leave them alone and they'll leave you alone" and they kept swarming around me. I'm like a bug magnet!
After the match, Ty was awarded with a clear blue water bottle and a huge poster that shows who won or lost and we went back to the house and learned more Spanish. A few hours later, I finally nagged my mom long enough for her to take me to the library to pick up a few books that were on hold. Once my mom and I climbed into the car, my dad and my brother raced out and asked if we could drop them off at Barnes and Noble. When we finished dropping off my brother and my dad, and picked up the three books, my mom and I drove back the house to cook dinner. About thirty minutes later, we left the house (I should really find another word for "house") and picked up my brother and my dad.
Finally, we located them and came back home. When we climbed out of the car, we found a very strange greeting waiting for us in the window of the neighbors (Technically, it's not our neighbor. It's one house down from our neighbors.) In the window was a baby just standing on the window sill. Did I mention that he/she was naked!? Ew! Not a sight I need to see! So that was basically our day.
For a while now, I've been wanting to put down this lame joke but kept forgetting about it so I shall type it now!
Person 1: Hey, Person 2, what does a Hindu?
Person 2: Huh?
Person 1: Lays eggs!
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Get it? What does a hen do?
Person 2: Huh?

HA HA HA HA HA! Also, in this book I'm reading, I came across this character named Jade. Immediately, I threw the book off my bed and then climbed down the bunk bed ladder to retrieve it. Why must such nice/good characters have....that as a name??? Anyways, please enjoy the next few fail pictures. I actually like searching for fail pictures so I will try my best in putting fail pictures on each post.

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