The Luna Tourist

So, first things first, this is a blog about me touring the world in the eyes of a young tourist. The name of this blog doesn't necessarily mean that I only travel at night because that would be stupid. Anyway, lets get down to business. I will try (and probably fail) to write everyday but DO NOT count on it (though I doubt anyone will come to my blog everyday but it's nice to have hopes). Enjoy and live through my strange, but amazing adventures.

Friday, 12 August 2011

August 11 (or should I put 12?), 2011 A drawing...

Okay, so, one of my best friends and one of my brother's friends think that I am good at drawing. So, this blog post is for my personal benefit to show that I can not draw to save my life! Anyways, the horrible drawing is below. This is not copied or traced so if you think you've seen something as ugly as this (*laugh*) then your wrong! Enjoy the rest of your day!